All works (c) Copyright the Artist

The Wolf FineArt
Los Angeles California Fine Art Dealers

"Over the years, I have been fortunate to work with hundreds of great artists, producing great work."
about Chuck Wolf
Gallerist/Dealer with over ten years as a Fine Art Dealer in retail, wholesale and commercial consulting.

Chuck Wolf fine art dealer
"Hi, I'm Chuck Wolf, and thank you for visiting The Wolf Fine Art.
In a nutshell, I am passionate about art just like you. Over the years, I have been fortunate to work with hundreds of great artists, producing great work. I have dedicated countless hours to the arts community through volunteer work from association President, Vice President, PR chair, to sitting on the local Arts Counsel and lobbying for the arts, and arts education, through government funding.
For many years I ran a couple of galleries at the same time, mainly The Wolf, and Charles II. As a dealer, I enjoy working with collectors, helping them get just what they need, and seeing the work of my artists go home with them. Nearly every purchase says we like the same thing, on some level.
My tastes are broad, I have been to Michelangelo's house, been to Rembrandt's house, every major museum you could name, from London, Amsterdam, Paris and Rome, to DC, Chicago, New York, L.A. etc., but nothing excites me as much as watching new paintings be born. Not many people have had the chance to see the number and types of works I have in production stages.
I like dead artists (the Masters), love their stories, get excited by their work, but for me personally, I don't feel there is much I can do to help them. I'm here to help art grow in the world. To help artists, by being their voice, giving them a public platform, help them earn a living, and grow. I'm here to help collectors, creating new ones, promoting education, appreciation, and accessibility.
So that is my 'creative process'. If you are part of this process, I'm here to help."
Wolf has Owned and Operated 4 Fine Art Galleries and 3 outside Sales and Consulting Divisions.
Hands on Curator and Dealer.
Dealing primarily with Living Artists, working in mediums from Bronze to Collage with a primary focus on Oil Paintings in contemporary to transitional styles.
Imported Bronze from Itlica, one of the largest foundries in Barcelona.
Exclusive distributor for the Estate of Virginia Fouche (AWS) (Ltd Edition Prints)
Exclusive Dealer for Steven Jordan (AWS)
Notable Artists represented have included Michael Flohr, Henry Asencio, Robert Lange (discovered), Fred Jamar (discovered), Viginia Fouche, Marty Whaley Adams, Martha Sharp, William Armstrong,
and 100's of other living artist.
Conducted sales for Rodin, the Hand Collection through the Maison De Rodin.
Outside sales included contracts with the major publishing houses like: Bruce Mcgaw Graphics, Bently, Greenwich Workshop, Somerset house, Porter Editions (UK), Dry Bush graphics, and many more.
Regularly attended show include Art Expo (NY) and Birmingham Spring Fair (UK) L.A. Art Show
Frequent Juror/Judge and Lecturer.
President (past) French Quarter Gallery Association, Charleston, SC FQGA
Fine Art Curator, Los Angeles Animal History Museum