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GRIT: Exploring the Urban Cityscape



“This show is a reflection of the idea that Angelinos collectively experience some cognitive dissonance going about our lives in this city built on glamour and beauty.  For all of the excitement and glitz and glam that is Los Angeles, and the true natural beauty of Southern California, there is an inescapable contrast to the grit we all must trod through on the way from fabulous point A to magnificent point B, whether it’s the dirty urban streets, the smog or urban pollution or the gritty homeless, ragged pedestrians, or unsightly oil derricks on an otherwise unspoiled landscape.


Somewhere in there, is a simple analogy for life;  No matter how gorgeous or wonderful, we all go through some grit.


The artists for this show will nod to this fact, and ask the question, “Isn’t it all art in the end?”  Ideally leading the viewer to the concept of embracing that which we may instinctively turn away from, broadening our perception of beauty, to include more of what and who surround us, if we can look at it artistically, or poetically, and become better at finding the humanity in ourselves and others.


 It’s great art, by some highly talented L.A. artists” ~Chuck Wolf, Curator


Thanks for a Great Show



GRIT: Exploring the Urban CityScape SEE THE SHOW...

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